
How Much To Write A Company Blog Post

As a professional business blogger, when I receive enquiries from potential clients, a question that soon arises is how much will my blog writing services cost.

With a quick search online for professional bloggers, you can find a wide variety of blog writing prices, from the dirt cheap, to what might seem overly expensive. Yet with such a broad fee spectrum, it's also hard to judge what is a fair price in the middle.

So what is a fair rate to pay a professional blogger?

Before we look at the answers, let's quickly consider the work involved in developing and writing a series of good quality blog posts for use on your company website.

Work involved for the professional blogger

Before writing your company blog, the professional blogger will first spend a little time talking with you to ascertain your content marketing goals and requirements accurately.

They'll then do some research on your business, products/services, target markets, current SEO, and industry.

Following on from this research stage, they'll check your main competition and decipher where your business can do better in terms of content creation, SEO, marketing strategies, and topics.

Then, it's time to look more into your target audiences. The professional blogger will explore the websites, forums, review sections, and social media platforms where your target customers congregate. He will read what these groups are talking about concerning your products or services, as well as their interests and the problems your company can potentially solve.

Finally, before the actual blog writing begins, the pro blogger will put together a content strategy consisting of blog topics and titles for you to review. This process is more challenging than you might imagine and often involves in-depth keyword research and planning.

The next stage is the writing. Can you believe it? We haven't even started that yet!

Before the words flow, each post needs to be mapped out and structured in the form of sub-titles, with a logical flow from beginning to end. This path ensures the post doesn't lose focus or ramble on forever.

Then comes the writing, which is a relatively small part of the entire blogging process. Yet, of course, it's vital to get right. Good blogging is excellent writing. The content needs to be flawless, logical, engaging, informative, easy-to-read, and persuasive.

Successful blogging is a cross between sales copy and a hard-to-put-down novel (but succinct).

Once the writing part is complete, it's time for the professional blog writer to go back through the content and make edits. Editing involves correcting any errors, ironing out syntax issues, filling in continuity black holes, formatting the post, and making an assortment of improvements.

Should be ready to hand to you now, right?


The final steps involve adding SEO meta titles, tags and descriptions to the post. The metadata is the content your potential readers will see in the search engines before they even arrive on your website. As you might imagine, these are incredibly important small details to get right.

Then comes image sourcing. Finding suitable, useable, and tasteful images for a blog post can take a while, depending on the subject matter. Images also need an accompanying description as well as appropriate sizing.

Ah, wait a moment. I forgot something.

A blogger also has a duty to interlink existing posts and new posts to one another where appropriate. This process can involve linking a particular phrase in one of your posts to another of your posts on that same topic. All this helps improve site-wide SEO.

And then, and only then, is it time for the professional blogger to send over the blog posts to you.


How long the blogging process takes the professional blogger

As you can imagine, all this takes time.

For the experienced pro, the combination of all the above stages can take 2 to 3 hours per post.

Some posts take longer to write than others, depending on the complexity of the subject, the word range, and the number of statistics, interviews, and other details required.

When the blogger is working with your company long-term, then they're more likely to write the content faster than they would if writing a one-off post.

This is why sometimes ordering a batch of 12 or more posts works out cheaper than just ordering one. The blogger can provide small discounts to long-term clients.

They get to understand the complexities of your business, audience, and industry a lot better.

Pricing considerations for the blogger

So, bearing in mind a typical high-quality blog post takes 2-3+ hours to create (from research and planning to writing, editing, and polishing), it quickly becomes clear that a good blog article is not going to be cheap.

Experienced and in-demand professional bloggers are in-demand for a reason.

They've spent years learning, practising, and honing their content marketing and article writing skills. They've studied consumer psychology, sales techniques, copywriting principles, search engine optimisation, and everything needed to help influence and persuade potential customers to become actual customers.

They also need to an earn a living, raise a family, enjoy a vacation, and spend money on health insurance, taxes, mortgages, pensions, and a myriad of other financial requirements applicable to the self-employed.

These factors mean a pro blogger needs to earn at least $350 per day.

And based on being physically and mentally able to write approximately two sizeable blog articles a day (not counting other work), any experienced blogger worthy of being hired is very rarely going to charge less than $150 per post.

This blog post cost is the minimum amount.

That's why if you come across so-called professional bloggers who charge much less than this, then you need to consider the reasons why.

You get what you pay for

Cheap blog writers often forego the majority of the crucial stages outlined above.

They receive your brief, find similar posts on other sites, rewrite them to pass plagiarism checking algorithms (some might not even do that), and then send them to you after a cursory read through.

Your blog posts become clones of content already out there, numbering in the hundreds and thousands – completely unremarkable and doing little to get you discovered in the search results or build relationships with your customers.

With a tactic like this, a cheap writer can write half a dozen or more posts every day.

These are the bloggers who charge anything from $15 to $75 a post.

If they are to earn a decent living at those blogging rates, they have to focus on quantity over quality. They have to because they don't have the experience, knowledge, and skills to do otherwise.

And simply put, you cannot afford writers like this.

Your brand's reputation, trustworthiness, marketing efforts, and sales goals will all suffer as a result.

You may as well be flushing your money down the toilet.

How much money should a company blog post cost?

As mentioned previously, the minimum amount any experienced and respected professional blog content writer will charge is likely to be around the $150 mark for 500 words (incorporating all the stages outlined above).

The more experienced and successful the pro blogger is, the higher this minimum rate will climb. Some of the top corporate blog writers charge more than $800 per article.

They're worth it.

They help get the company results.

And blog post articles can live forever, working day and night, for years and years, to attract, engage, inspire, educate and persuade visitors to buy into your brand and its products or services.

When you realise a blog post is not just for the week it's published, but potentially for the lifespan of your company, then it's clear to see the importance of investing in top-quality blogging for your business.

Need an experienced and professional blog writer for your company?

One who is affordable but not cheap?

A writer who will complement your brand, connect with your readers, boost your rankings, and help you get the results you desire?


Click here to get in touch with me today and let's discuss your project.

How Much To Write A Company Blog Post


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